What’s a Facial?
A facial addresses concerns like acne, clogged pores, blackheads, dehydration, and dead skin cell build-up. Extractions can be included to remove blackheads, drain inflamed acne, and release trapped ingrown hairs. A series of treatments is recommended for best results.
Specialty Facials:
Dermaplaning Brightening Facial:
Dermaplaning provides light exfoliation by removing dead skin and vellus hair (peach fuzz). We use a sterilized surgical blade to gently scrape off the outer layer of dead skin cells. Contrary to popular belief, this treatment does not cause hair to grow back thicker.
Foreverbyash Signature Facial: (Dermaplaning & Mild chemical peel)
Is the same as dermaplaning but includes an additional mild peel.
Chemical peel:
A Chemical Peel is a technique used to improve and smooth the skin's texture. It involves applying a solution to remove the outermost layers of the skin, inducing a controlled injury. This process stimulates the production of new collagen and the restructuring of existing collagen bundles in the skin. Multiple sessions may be needed depending on the severity of the skin condition.
I understand that I should not have a chemical peel if I intend to continue to have excessive sun exposure or have any conditions that encourage picking of the skin.
Microdermabrasion uses a diamond encrusted wand to remove superficial layers of the skin in the treated areas and can help the skin appear more soft and smooth.
Contraindications: Although it is impossible to list every potential risk and complication, the following are recognized as known contraindications. Furthermore, it is your responsibility to fully and accurately disclose all medical history prior to initial treatment, as well as provide any medical updates at all future treatment sessions. If you have any of the conditions listed below, you should bring it to the attention of your esthetician PRIOR to signing this consent form. Please review the following carefully. It is important that you answer all questions honestly and to the best of your ability and knowledge. Failure to do so can result in unsatisfactory results and/or injury.
If you have any of the conditions listed below, we will be unable to perform this service on you. Instead, we may recommend an alternative treatment.
Active Infection: Bacterial, viral, or fungal
Antibiotics: 2 weeks
Blood Thinner Medications: Minimum 14 days prior
Botox: Minimum 14 days prior
Cold Sores: Minimum 14 days prior
Compromised Skin
Nickel Allergy: Applicable only for dermaplaning
Open Lesions
Permanent Cosmetics: 6 weeks
Retin-A: Discontinue 3 days prior
Recent Skincare Treatment: Minimum 14 days prior
Sunburn: 14 Days Prior
Sun Exposure: 7 days prior
Waxing: Minimum 14 days prior
If you have any of the following conditions, a doctor's note will be required before receiving any services.
Autoimmune Disease
Blood Pressure Medication
Serious Medical Condition
Cannot perform any services if you’ve been on accutane in the past 1 year.
Post-Care Instructions:
Avoid Sun Exposure: 14 days
Avoid Scrubs/Exfoliants/Harsh Ingredients: 3 days
Stay Hydrated
Retinol: Avoid for 3 days
Use Sunscreen: Daily
Risks listed below are for each treatment listed above.
Risks: Although it is impossible to list every potential risk and complication, these are some known risks. Furthermore, it is your responsibility to fully and accurately disclose all medical history prior to initial treatment, as well as provide any necessary updates at all future treatment sessions. I do understand that any hormone imbalance present within my anatomical system can alter the treatment.
Pain: You may experience slight burning, scratchiness, tingling or irritation of the skin. These sensations are usually temporary and typically subside within a few hours after treatment. A sudden reappearance of redness or pain is a sign of infection.
Picking: Avoid picking at the skin during the healing period, as this can lead to hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation.
Pigment/Color Change/Sun Exposure: During the healing process, the treated area may become lighter (hypopigmentation) or darker (hyperpigmentation) compared to the surrounding skin. While this is usually temporary, on rare occasions it can become permanent. To minimize this risk, you must avoid direct sun exposure for two weeks after the treatment and use SPF.
Redness/Swelling/Bruising/Scabbing: After the procedure, your skin may be red, with mild swelling and/or bruising, and it might feel tight and sensitive to the touch. This is a normal part of the healing process. If you experience persistent redness or swelling, please contact our office. Itching is also normal as the skin begins to peel. To aid in healing and recovery, we recommend using Lux MD Medical Repair Cream, which can be purchased from Foreverbyash at the time of service for $40.
Lack of results: I understand it may take multiple treatments to obtain optimal results. I understand I may not experience complete clearance, and that it may take multiple treatments.
Nicks: Nicks to the skin may occur due to the use of a sharp surgical blade. Although the hair that grows back will not be darker or thicker, I understand that any hormone imbalance in my body can alter the normal hair growth pattern.
Must be 16 years or older to receive service.