Chemical Peel

A chemical peel is a technique used to improve and smooth the texture of the skin. Chemical peels are intended to remove the outermost layers of the skin. To accomplish this task, the chosen peel solution induces a controlled injury to the skin. This leads to stimulation of new collagen production and restructuring of old collagen bundles in the skin. Multiple sessions may be required based on the severity of the skin condition.

This procedure is performed by a trained professional. After the procedure, the skin will be red, with mild swelling and/or bruising, and your skin will feel tight and sensitive to the touch. Although these symptoms will take 7-12 days to resolve completely, they will diminish significantly within a few hours after treatment. The skin with more pigmentation will appear 3-5x darker during your peeling process but will peel off with the sloughing of dead skin so long as you follow post procedure home care. The entire peel process is about 7-9 days. Sometimes longer for clients who have extremely thick skin. 

Risks- Although it is impossible to list every potential risk and complication, these are some known risks. Furthermore, it is your responsibility to fully and accurately disclose all medical history prior to initial treatment, as well as provide any necessary updates at all future treatment sessions. I do understand that any hormone imbalance present within my anatomical system can alter the treatment. Please review the following carefully. It is important that you answer all questions honestly and to the best of your ability and knowledge. Failure to do so can result in unsatisfactory results and/or injury.

Allergic Reaction-  A variety of products may be used on the face in conjunction with the procedure such as Jelly/Soothing/Restorative hydrogel/ calming mask, chemical peels and other chemical exfoliants and products your esthetician deems is best for your skin to which an allergy can occur. Additionally, since this procedure increases the penetration of topical substances, it can cause you to be hypersensitive to products used on the face. I do understand allergic reactions can occur, you must contact our office immediately or notify your esthetician of any abnormal feeling during the treatment. In rare cases you may be advised to contact your doctor. 

Infection- Viral, bacterial, and fungal infections can occur anytime the integrity of the skin is compromised. Should infection occur, you must contact or return to our office immediately.  In rare cases you may be advised to contact your doctor. 

Lack of permanent results- I understand it may take multiple treatments to obtain optimal results.I understand I may not experience complete clearance, and that it may take multiple treatments. Some conditions may not respond at all and, in rare cases, may become worse. There is a possibility of a poor result from any cosmetic procedure. Chemical peels may induce undesirable results, including but not limited to skin sloughing, scarring, permanent pigment, and/or other undesirable skin changes. The treatment may not completely or permanently improve skin texture, tone, elasticity, hyperpigmentation, scars, or minimize fine lines and wrinkles. It is important that your expectations be realistic and understand the procedure has its limitations. Additional procedures may be necessary to achieve desired effect. No Refunds or Returns Due to the nature of the services and products provided, Foreverbyashh LLC and Ashley Holdings LLC, including their employees, independent contractors, subsidiaries, and affiliates (collectively, “Foreverbyash”) does not issue refunds for used or unused services and does not accept any product returns.

Pain- There may be burning, scratchy, and irritated sensations to the skin. This is usually temporary and is gone within a few hours after treatment. If these sensations do not subside within a few hours of the treatment please contact us immediately.

Picking-  Lastly, avoid picking the skin during the healing period as this can cause hyper/hypopigmentation. 

I understand that I should not have a chemical peel if I intend to continue to have excessive sun exposure or have any conditions that encourage picking of the skin.

Pigment/Color Change/Sun Exposure- Because dermal penetration extends into the layer of the skin containing melanocytes, hyperpigmentation can be common “darkening” of the skin.  This reaction is more common when treated areas are exposed to the sun and the client does not adhere to proper aftercare instructions. 

Redness/Swelling- After the procedure, the skin will be red, with mild swelling and/or bruising, and your skin might feel tight and sensitive to the touch. It’s a normal part of the healing process.  If you have persistent redness or swelling please reach out to the office. Itching will be normal as the skin starts to peel. 

Scarring- Although normal healing after the procedure is expected, abnormal scars may occur in both the skin and deeper tissues. In rare cases, thickened or keloid scars may result. 

Contraindications- Although it is impossible to list every potential risk and complication, the following are recognized as known contraindications. Furthermore, it is your responsibility to fully and accurately disclose all medical history prior to initial treatment, as well as provide any necessary updates at all future treatment sessions. If you have any of the conditions listed below, you should bring it to the attention of your esthetician PRIOR to signing this consent form:

Accutane within (1 year)

Active infection of any type (bacterial, viral, or fungal)

Autoimmune disease

Blood thinner medications ( 2 weeks)

Blood pressure medication

Botox (Discontinue 2 Weeks Prior)

Breast feeding

Cancer (1 Year)

Chemotherapy or radiation (1 Year)

Cold Sores (2 weeks)

Compromised skin




Laser hair removal (Discontinue 2 Weeks Prior)


Open lesions



Retin A discontinue (Discontinue 3 days Prior)

Recent Skincare treatment (Discontinue 2 Weeks Prior)

Serious Medical Condition

Self Tanner, spray tans, and tanning beds  (Discontinue 2 Weeks Prior)

Sunburn/Sun Expsore (Discontinue 2 Weeks Prior)

Uncontrollable picking of the skin

Waxing (Discontinue 2 Weeks Prior)

Post Care 

Avoid harsh sun exposure (14 days)  

Avoid scrubs/exfoliants/ harsh ingredients for (7 days)

Avoid raising body temperature (72 hours)

Avoid Makeup (24 hours)

Avoid Retinol (3 days)

Use sunscreen daily

Avoid Vitamin C (3 days)


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